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Entries in Greg Fleming (30)


New album finished


Greg's new record Forget the Past is complete and due for release in March 2014.

"I had no other aim than making a record I want to listen to," says Greg.

"There's lots of textures on this one - classic pop, drum loops, narrative songs, and a couple of heartbreakers."

It contains 11 new tracks, recorded at The Lab in Auckland, and was produced by Wayne Bell.



Forget the Past recording sessions begin

Greg and The Trains started recording the new album, Forget the Past, last week in Auckland at The LAB. The project helmed by producer and drummer Wayne Bell is Greg's fourth record, a follow up to 2012's critically acclaimed Edge of the City. Greg and longtime guitarist John Segovia are joined by Andrew Thorne (guitar), Mark Hughes (bass), Wayne Bell (drums) and Nick Duirs (keyboards). 12 songs were tracked and lead vocals and the majority of overdubs were done in four frantic days. The tracks range from the political to personal, from sleepless kids to emptying summer cities,from Bethells Beach to New Mexico to jaywalking in downtown Auckland. Recording continues this weekend. The album is scheduled for a March/April 2014 release.


New Trains line-up

The Trains debuted a new line up last weekend. Greg and longtime guitarist John Segovia are joined by bassist Mark Hughes, drummer Wayne Bell,guitarist Andrew Thorne and keyboard player Nik Duirs. The band are busy rehearsing for the new record which is being recorded later this year, which is to be produced by Wayne Bell. Pic Ted Baghurst.


Auckland Live Show

Greg Fleming and The Trains play with Australia's Charlie Horse on Saturday October 19th 2013 at Auckland's Backbeat Bar.

Full info here



Edge of the City on CKUA

Alberta, Canada radio station CKUA has been playing tracks from Edge of the City.

So far we've heard tracks on Mid-morning Mojo with Baba, How I Hear It with Monica Miller and The Afternoon Edition with Lionel Rault.

CKUA is a really great station for music lovers and is also available to to stream on the web:

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